January 12, 2025
office 365

Do you want to activate Microsoft Office 365 for free with a Lifetime (Legal) activation key? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Have you already downloaded and installed office 365 that we have made available to you? It is then time to take the next step, which this article will detail for you.

If you have read the article that precedes this one, then you know that after you have downloaded Office 365 which is provided in the article in question, you will have a trial period of a few days but after this last, you will be asked to pay for a license otherwise your product will be deactivated and you will no longer have the means to work with Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, …

This article becomes interesting because thanks to the trick that we are going to reveal to you, you will be able to activate Office 365 for free for an unlimited period.

Which software to use to activate Office 365?

To activate Office 365 we will use KMS license keys. For those of you who don’t know yet, the KMS license is almost similar to the trial one. It is totally free, legal and is only valid for 180 days. But don’t worry about the period because it renews easily and automatically, so you would have an unlimited period with a fully active product.

Note: If you have just installed Office 365 and you have a trial period and in addition you apply our trick to activate Office 365, be aware that it may not work and that At the end of the trial period the activation key is still requested.

In short, if you are still in the trial period, you will first have to delete the trial key to properly activate your product indefinitely.

Delete the trial period to properly activate Office 365

To check that you still have a trial period, open one of the Office products such as Word, Powerpoint, … and click on the FILE or FILE tab and finally click on OPTION. There you will see if the date of your trial period is still valid. Apply this point if your trial period is not yet over, otherwise go to the next point.

To remove the Office 365 trial, follow these steps:

1. Open the command prompt as an administrator.

2. Run this single command:

cscript slmgr.vbs /upk&cscript slmgr.vbs /cpky

To end!! We just removed the trial license.

Once the trial license is removed, let’s move on to the next step.


In this article we have shown you how to activate Offices 365 for free and legally in just a few clicks. If you have any difficulties on your side, let us know in the comments and we will help you.