January 10, 2025
healthy weight loss

Do you want to lose your extra pounds? Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to healthy eating and creating a healthy weight loss plan.

1. Find a physical activity that you enjoy

Take up a hobby that involves physical activity. A healthy diet isn’t the only thing that will help you lose weight.

  • Hiking, rock climbing, jogging, or even walking every day are great ways to lose weight and stay in shape.
  • You can ask a friend to join you to keep you motivated to continue the activity.

2. Take Calcium Supplements

Losing weight can trigger bone loss. Women in particular need 500 to 600 milligrams of calcium twice a day.

  • Choose a calcium supplement that also contains vitamin D.

3. Combine exercise and calorie reduction

People who exercise in addition to cutting calories have an easier time losing weight and maintaining their figure than people who just eat less.

  • Burning an extra 250 calories a day—which is the energy expenditure of a 45-minute brisk walk—can help you lose nearly 26 pounds each year, as long as you don’t replace those calories with food.

4. Know your body mass index

To find out if your weight is within the normal range or if you are obese or overweight, consult a body mass index (BMI) table.

  • If your BMI is less than 25, your weight is normal.
  • If your BMI is over 25, but you’re below 30, you’re overweight.
  • If your BMI is 30 or more, you are considered obese.

5. Keep a food diary for 5 days

Keep track of everything you eat and drink, even when it’s just water or breath candy.

  • Your list should include the time of day, serving size, number of servings and the amount of calories contained.
  • You should also write down how you felt or any other circumstances that might have influenced you when it came time to eat.
  • Review your food diary with a dietitian. He or she will help you identify situations or emotions that may cause you to overeat.
  • These diaries are especially useful for people trying to manage their diabetes. They help you become aware of which foods can spike your blood sugar levels and which ones help keep it stable.

6. Find a friend to accompany you

Dieting with a friend provides support that will help you achieve your goals more easily. Having someone within walking distance can be an added bonus.

Find three neighbors and tell them your intentions to lose weight. Chances are they too will have some weight to lose and want to follow your lifestyle change.

7. Consider bariatric surgery as a last resort

The so-called “stomach stapling” can have an extremely positive effect on obese people, especially those with diabetes, as the operation can almost make the condition go away.

  • But don’t take this operation lightly. This is a major operation, which comes with its share of risks, including a 1% mortality rate during the surgery itself.
  • After surgery, they will only be able to eat small meals, will need to take dietary supplements and medications, and will need to attend frequent medical checkups.
  • The cost of this operation is also significant, and few insurance companies will want to cover them.

8. Aim to lose weight slowly

You can just lose a pound a week, or even two pounds a month, just by making small adjustments to your diet and by practicing physical activity.

  • Don’t let fad diets dazzle you with “miracle” plans that promise you to lose 100 pounds in 2 months.
  • Researchers say that people who manage to lose weight using these programs typically regain all or most of the pounds lost within five years.

It pays to learn how to make the lifestyle changes that will help you keep your weight off permanently, even when it means losing it more slowly.