January 9, 2025

For certain works, an RGE company is essential in order to take advantage of all State aid. For example, you can benefit from insulation at a lower cost if you select the right craftsman. A directory is still available to you and the professionals display the famous label on their website.

Why use an RGE company?

Several advantages must be taken into account to be certain that the work will be carried out according to the rules of the art. In addition, this label is essential to take advantage of certain tax advantages such as the zero-rate eco-loan or the sustainable development tax credit. In the context of building renovation or insulation, it is probably best to consult the list of RGE companies.

  • The mention is essential since the craftsman is the guarantor of energy performance; he therefore has skills in this sector.
  • RGE craftsmen obtain this label only if they meet very strict quality criteria.
  • In particular, there is the NF X50-091 standards which refers to qualification and relates to the technical capacities of the company.
  • The NF EF ISO/CEI 17065 standard is also a sign of quality in relation to the design and execution of all work.

You will have understood this by drawing from the list of RGE companies; you can also take advantage of a tax reduction for rental investment such as the Pinel law or obtain an energy bonus and the energy transition bonus which is called Ma Premium Renov.

Where can I find an EGR company?

As the label gives access to bonuses, there are scams, so you have to be very careful when selecting your professional. We advise you to go through the Faire Gouv site since it provides you with a directory. Some criteria are important, namely the location for the work, the field of the latter as well as the radius for the research. In a few clicks you will finally have obtained a positive response. It is finally very easy to find a company with RGE quality, just go through the government site which is the most reliable.

This does not prevent you from making a few quotes in order to compare the services and prices for the various RGE approved companies. Also note that this directory also allows you to quickly identify the fields of work of an RGE company.